Friday, February 24, 2012

This document summarizes the mechanism of action ...

Contributors: Claudia Gagnon, Vivien Li, Peter Ebelinh R

Published August 2008 Volume 2008:3 (4) Page Claudia Gagnon, Vivien Li, Peter Ebelinh R

Faculty of Medicine University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia

Abstract: With the aging population, the burden of osteoporosis in men is expected to increase. Implementation of preventive measures, such as falls prevention strategies, exercise and adequate calcium and vitamin D. recommended. However, when the diagnosis of osteoporosis is made, effective treatment should be initiated to prevent fractures. In contrast, postmenopausal women, reduced bone age is the main mechanism of bone loss lasix 4 mg in men, making anabolic agents a logical treatment option for people with osteoporosis.supplements to build immune system Teriparatide only anabolic agent currently approved for treatment of osteoporosis in men. This document summarizes the mechanism of action of teriparatide and tolerability and safety. Besides confirming the efficacy of teriparatide in men with osteoporosis is considered and its current role in the management of osteoporosis in men is discussed. Keywords:. Osteoporosis, pathophysiology, treatment, parathyroid hormone, men

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